Integration Certification

Process Overview

The certification for the integration to VCI's Veer API is as follows:

1SANDBOX TESTING1. Integrate to VCI's API.

2. Validate the below testcases.

3. Screenshot the results.
2LIVE TESTING1. Request a LIVE Merchant account.

2. Move real money between live bank accounts using the below testcases.

3. Screenshot the results.
3Submit EvidenceSubmit evidence of completion to VCI of all testcases for both
4CertificationVCI will review the evidence and provide a certificate of completion.



  • Create the below transactions before 6:00 PM ET, so that the creation day will be Day 0.
  • Saturday and Sundays are non-processing days
  • Bank holidays are non-processing days.
    • New Year's Day, MLK Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
  • For LIVE TESTING, use a test bank account in order to prevent disruption to your critical bank accounts.

Testcase 1: One-Off Payment for CCD

  1. Day 0: Creation
    1. Create a CCD Payment for $0.01 without using a Customer Token.
    2. Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
  2. Day 1: Origination
    1. Verify Originated status.
    2. LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.01 debit.
  3. Day 2: Wait
    1. Do nothing.
  4. Day 3: Wait
    1. Do nothing.
  5. Day 4: Settlement
    1. Verify Settled status.
    2. LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.01 credit.
  6. Day 5: Refund
    1. Refund the $0.01 Payment transaction.
    2. Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
  7. Day 6: Origination and Settlement
    1. Verify Settled status.
    2. LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking.
      1. Verify receipt of a $0.01 debit.
      2. Verify receipt of a $0.01 credit.

Testcase 2: One-Off Payments for PPD, WEB

Repeat steps 1.1 - 1.5 using the below Standard Entry Codes and amounts:

  1. PPD and $0.21
  2. WEB and $0.22

Testcase 3: One-Off Payout

  1. Day 0: Creation
    1. Create a CCD Payout for $0.30
    2. Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
  2. Day 1: Origination
    1. Verify Originated status.
    2. LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.30 debit.
  3. Day 2: Wait
    1. Do nothing.
  4. Day 3: Wait
    1. Do nothing.
  5. Day 4: Settlement
    1. Verify Settled status.
    2. LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.30 credit

Testcase 4: Voiding

  1. Day 0: Creation & Voiding
    1. Create a Payment for $0.40.
    2. Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
    3. Void it before 6:00 PM ET.
    4. Verify Voided status.

Testcase 5: Payment (with Customer Token)

  1. Day 0: Customer & Transaction Creation
    1. Create a customer to be tokenized.
    2. Create a Payment for $0.50 using the customer token.
    3. Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
  2. Day 1: Origination
    1. Verify Originated status.
    2. LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.50 debit.
  3. Day 2: Wait
    1. Do nothing.
  4. Day 3: Wait
    1. Do nothing.
  5. Day 4: Settlement
    1. Verify Settled status.
    2. LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.50 credit.

Testcase 6: Normal Return


LIVE TESTING: skip this testcase.

  1. Day 0: Creation
    1. Create a Payment for $0.60:
      • Set the Payment description as "Day2R01".
        • A simulated Return (R01 - Insufficient Funds) will occur on Day 2.
    2. Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
  2. Day 1: Origination
    1. Verify Originated status.
  3. Day 2: Return
    1. After 10:00 AM ET, Verify Returned status.

Testcase 7: Late Return


LIVE TESTING: skip this testcase.

  1. Day 0: Creation
    1. Create a Payment for $0.70 with the description as "Day5R10".
      • A simulated Return (R10 - Customer Advises Unauthorized) will occur on Day 5.
    2. Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
  2. Day 1: Origination
    1. Verify Originated status.
  3. Day 2: Return
    1. Do nothing.
  4. Day 3: Wait
    1. Do nothing.
  5. Day 4: Settlement
    1. Verify Settled status.
  6. Day 5: Return
    1. After 10:00 AM ET, verify Returned status.

Testcase 8: Errors

  1. Invalid Routing Number - 770000000
    1. Create a Payment for $0.80 using 770000000 as the routing number.
    2. Verify the response is Errored status with description as “Customer Routing Number is not in master”.