Integration Certification
Process Overview
The certification for the integration to VCI's Veer API is as follows:
Step | Title | Description |
1 | SANDBOX TESTING | 1. Integrate to VCI's API. 2. Validate the below testcases. 3. Screenshot the results. |
2 | LIVE TESTING | 1. Request a LIVE Merchant account. 2. Move real money between live bank accounts using the below testcases. 3. Screenshot the results. |
3 | Submit Evidence | Submit evidence of completion to VCI of all testcases for both SANDBOX TESTING and LIVE TESTING environments. |
4 | Certification | VCI will review the evidence and provide a certificate of completion. |
- Create the below transactions before 6:00 PM ET, so that the creation day will be Day 0.
- Saturday and Sundays are non-processing days
- Bank holidays are non-processing days.
- New Year's Day, MLK Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
- For LIVE TESTING, use a test bank account in order to prevent disruption to your critical bank accounts.
Testcase 1: One-Off Payment for CCD
- Day 0: Creation
- Create a CCD Payment for $0.01 without using a Customer Token.
- Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
- Day 1: Origination
- Verify Originated status.
- LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.01 debit.
- Day 2: Wait
- Do nothing.
- Day 3: Wait
- Do nothing.
- Day 4: Settlement
- Verify Settled status.
- LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.01 credit.
- Day 5: Refund
- Refund the $0.01 Payment transaction.
- Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
- Day 6: Origination and Settlement
- Verify Settled status.
- LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking.
- Verify receipt of a $0.01 debit.
- Verify receipt of a $0.01 credit.
Testcase 2: One-Off Payments for PPD, WEB
Repeat steps 1.1 - 1.5 using the below Standard Entry Codes and amounts:
- PPD and $0.21
- WEB and $0.22
Testcase 3: One-Off Payout
- Day 0: Creation
- Create a CCD Payout for $0.30
- Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
- Day 1: Origination
- Verify Originated status.
- LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.30 debit.
- Day 2: Wait
- Do nothing.
- Day 3: Wait
- Do nothing.
- Day 4: Settlement
- Verify Settled status.
- LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.30 credit
Testcase 4: Voiding
- Day 0: Creation & Voiding
- Create a Payment for $0.40.
- Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
- Void it before 6:00 PM ET.
- Verify Voided status.
Testcase 5: Payment (with Customer Token)
- Day 0: Customer & Transaction Creation
- Create a customer to be tokenized.
- Create a Payment for $0.50 using the customer token.
- Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
- Day 1: Origination
- Verify Originated status.
- LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.50 debit.
- Day 2: Wait
- Do nothing.
- Day 3: Wait
- Do nothing.
- Day 4: Settlement
- Verify Settled status.
- LIVE TESTING: Log in to your online banking, and verify receipt of a $0.50 credit.
Testcase 6: Normal Return
LIVE TESTING: skip this testcase.
- Day 0: Creation
- Create a Payment for $0.60:
- Set the Payment description as "Day2R01".
- A simulated Return (R01 - Insufficient Funds) will occur on Day 2.
- Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
- Day 1: Origination
- Verify Originated status.
- Day 2: Return
- After 10:00 AM ET, Verify Returned status.
Testcase 7: Late Return
LIVE TESTING: skip this testcase.
- Day 0: Creation
- Create a Payment for $0.70 with the description as "Day5R10".
- A simulated Return (R10 - Customer Advises Unauthorized) will occur on Day 5.
- Verify that the new transaction is in Accepted status.
- Day 1: Origination
- Verify Originated status.
- Day 2: Return
- Do nothing.
- Day 3: Wait
- Do nothing.
- Day 4: Settlement
- Verify Settled status.
- Day 5: Return
- After 10:00 AM ET, verify Returned status.
Testcase 8: Errors
- Invalid Routing Number - 770000000
- Create a Payment for $0.80 using 770000000 as the routing number.
- Verify the response is Errored status with description as “Customer Routing Number is not in master”.
Updated 17 days ago